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Equipo Studio Radio LC Madrid

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola, soy un cantautor de Belfast, Irlanda. ¿Solo comprobando si aceptas envíos de música? Aquí hay una carpeta con mi último lanzamiento, llamado Arte Oriental, además de enlaces a mis redes sociales y sitio web. Mi correo electrónico es michael@michaelcunningham.co.uk https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wemoe6vnqx7qn55/AADYD7iq2hiCBIdmpDUUQVw3a?dl=0



  2. Dear Studio Radio LC

    Hello, I am Akiyo from an independent music label in Japan.
    working for DIW PRODUCTS GROUP that managed
    by Disk Union Co., Ltd in Japan( https://youtu.be/-hNVdJVmrQ4 ).

    Today we send an album by GOOD BYE APRIL, Japanese Neo-City Pop band who belongs to our label.
    Their released a new album 'swing in the dark' on Jan 19th 2022.

    Their compositions mix 70~80’s Japanese Pop with foreign electro-pop such as The Weeknd and The 1975.

    This is a music video of their popular song 'missing summer'.
    It's a Japanese AOR song that feels like a summer sea breeze, and to be get good reaction it to fans of Tatsuro Yamashita and Toshiki Kadomatsu etc.

    4th full album 'swing in the dark’ of digital copies are here.
    【Dropbox link(WAV)】 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9ieukbqziwtouoc/AAAylaON2Wq5dlTraayt_LDoa?dl=0
    【Material for press】https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4qe7bd4r808i2u3/AAAUJEyL-NuA0ttMlsDD4tWEa?dl=0

    【Album details】
    Artist : GOOD BYE APRIL
    Title : swing in the dark
    Release Date : Jan 19 th,2022
    Price : ¥3,000(+tax)
    Format : CD / Streaming / Download
    No.: DBTU17
    JAN : 4988044071599
    Label : DOBEATU

    Track list :
    1 feel my hush
    3 missing summer
    4 regret orange
    5 冗談 (English title : Jōdan)
    6 nightingale
    7 セーラー服と機関銃 (English title : Sailor-fuku to Kikanjū / this is cover of Hiroko Yakushimaru’s debute song. music : Takao Kisugi)
    8 tapestry
    9 spring kiss
    10 空の数だけ (English title : Soranokazudake)

    【Artist Profile】
    GOOD BYE APRIL are Sho Kurashina(Vo&Gt&Key.),Takashi Yoshida (Gt.),Ayane Enmoto(Ba.),Tsunoken(Dr.) Formed in 2011.
    With neo-new music, they will deliver a retro-modern sound that is a modern arrangement of the history of Japanese pop in the 70's and 80's with a unique sense.
    Music that makes you feel the scenery and nostalgia, and vocals of Sho Kurashina, which is said to be one & only.
    In addition, lyrics with their own individuality by Kurashina and Enmoto. Inspired by new music, especially good old pop music such as tulips, Eiichi Ohtaki and Kazumasa Oda, their ever green good music has fascinated many listeners of all ages and generations.
    In charge of all the stage music in the theater group Caramel Box and the theme song for the JFN series radio program "OH! HAPPY MORNING".They have successfully sold out a hall-scale one-man live in Japan.
    In 2020, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the formation, they released new songs for 6 consecutive months.
    The official Spotify playlist has been picked up by "New Music Wednesday" and "CityPop/JapaneseAOR" and the J-POP playlist "J-POP Shinkansen" created by the Taiwanese song selection team, expanding the range of activities from Japan to Asia and overseas.

    Would you like to have introduced their music in your programs?
    Please consider it.


    Akiyo Ito
    7F, 3-9-14 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-0074, Japan
    Phone: 81-3-3511-9920 / Fax: 81-3-3511-9941



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Entradas populares